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Gym access

Is it easy to acces the gym?
Do you think it is well signposted?


How welcoming do you find the reception of the center?
How would you rate the attention of the receptionists?
Do you find it easy to register?
Do you think the reception is clean and tidy?

Locker Rooms

Value the use/operation of the lockers?
Have you had any problems with them?
Have they solved the problem?
How do you rate the cleanliness of the changing rooms?

Directed Activities

How diverse is the program of group classes?
Is it easy to book them?

Cycling Room

How would you rate the cycling room?
Cycling room: Rate the equipment
Cycling room: Rate the technology
Cycling room: Rate the monitors
Cycling room: Rate the available space
Cycling room: Cycling room: Value cleanliness
Cycling room: Rate the air conditioning

Directed Activities Room

How would you rate the directed activities room
Group class room: Rate the material
Group class room: Rate the monitors
Group class room: Rate the available space
Group class room: Evaluate the air conditioning

Outdoor training Area

How would you rate the outdoor training area
Outdoor training area: Rate the material
Outdoor training area: Rate the available space
Outdoor training area: Value cleanliness


How would you rate the quality of the classes?
Rate the friendliness of the monitors
Are they helpful and help when you need something?

Fitness Area

How would you rate the monitor's attention in the fitness class?
Have they offered you to do a training routine?
Have they offered to look at your body composition on the scale?
Fitness room: Rate the equipment
Fitness room: Rate the material
Fitness room: Rate the order
Fitness room: Rate the available space
Fitness room: Value cleanliness
Fitness room: Evaluate the air conditioning
How likely Are you to recommend us to a friend?
Muchas gracias por colaborar
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